Incitement: Mehadrin Bus Game

A new game is available online, the Mehadrin Bus Game. The goal is to fill the seats of an Egged bus with chareidi riders, and if the gender separation is broken, the other passengers shout “gevald”.

The game was offered on the Ynet Games site, under “new games”, but it appears someone realized just how tasteless it is, with the icon now going to a dead page.

One of the players must try to seat a woman behind the red line, next to a chareidi male. One the men are seated, they cannot be moved, increasing the level of difficulty in finding an appropriate seat for a female.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. When will the hate and incitement in Israel stop? don’t they have enough problems with the arab neighbors, they need to fight the charedim?

  2. #1 When will it stop???????? ONLY when the hooligens stop disgracing our Torah our emunah and the Halacha. The Baryanim also thought they were beshame H, THATS why the are Rishai Yisroel Aveenu. Shaim Reshayim Yirkov

  3. #6 Who are you kidding? Nah, Ynet is totally unbiased, they never have an agenda other than fighting for true Torah values… Right!

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