Meah Shearim Extremists Pushing The Limit

Apparently committed to increasing the level of discord and unacceptable actions, the hoodlum faction of Meah Shearim on Tuesday morning, 8 Teves, printed pashkavilim comparing Jerusalem Police Chief Niso Shacham with Adolf Hitler YS”VZ.

The flyer says “In those days, European Jewry was under the threat of the Nazis in 1943 and today, ‘Bazman Ha’Ze’, we are under the threat of the oppressor Niso Shacham of 2012”.

It appears the flyers were not distributed, at least not in any significant number. Kikar Shabbat quotes a Meah Shearim resident speaking anonymously, stating it is quite likely that a non-frum person wishing to besmirch their reputation stands behind the tasteless flyers.

Jerusalem police officials do not view the flyers as a laughing matter and an investigation has been launched.


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Last week they were called the Chareidi Tzibbur, now we call them Extremist, Hoodlum Faction. For decades the police were referred to as Nazis by the Mea Shurim demonstrators. Is there a reason for the sudden change of attitude?

  2. Earlier this week, my car was DELIBERATELY hit by another one being operated by a chasidishe person. Although the damage was nothing more than a scuff mark (I let the whole incident go, it wasn’t worth the hassle for a few dollars), I was still EXTREMELY troubled by the comment the driver made to me. I will not repeat it in a public forum.

    Other chasidishe people saw what took place and immediately came to my defense. I was clearly in the right and can not even imagine for a moment what was going through the other driver’s mind.

    Sadly, this attitude as we see, is NOT limited to Mea She’arim – it is rampant here in Brooklyn too.

    To the civilians who came forth as witnesses, you epitomize yashrus. To the one who actually had the guts to approach the driver and tell him he was an embarrassment to yidishkeit (and some more things), 2 points for you.

    And we wonder why “they” hate ALL of us????

    It’s HIGH TIME for Moshiach.

  3. To balaboos all tough you are right we need moshiach but the incident of which you spoke of has nothing to do with chasishe yidden that person has no middos and is not eirlich however what the yidden in yerushalim are doing is fighting against what they hold is wrong and metzad echad they are right and the fact that they call tzionim nazis has its makor

  4. Why does your headline attribute this to “Meah Shearim Extremists” when the body of the article shows that there’s no reason to believe this had anything to do with them, and there’s every likelihood that it was done by secular stirrers.

  5. rav amram
    “and the fact that they call tzionim nazis has its makor”
    Im not a buki in shulchon aruch but maybe you are so please tell me sif and siman.

  6. So maybe tzionim aren’t Nazis. Let’s ask the Teimani children. Let’s ask the millions of aborted Yidden r”l. Let’s ask the starving avreichim. Let’s ask the ruined Yiddishe neshamos who went into their army. Let’s ask the desecreated Shabbosim and Yomim Tovim and Shmittos. Etc.

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