Kikar Shabbos Rally Condemned By Many

The motzei Shabbos rally decrying the chareidi bashing in the secular media and among elected officials in Israel has earned a prominent place in the media, but not because of the large turnout and not necessarily being depicted in a positive light.

With participants wearing the infamous yellow star with “Jude” written on it may have passed but the small children in striped uniforms reminiscent of the concentration camps of the Third Reich YS”VZ was more than most are willing to accept, resulting in messages of condemnation. These condemnatory responses were not just heard from the non-frum, but from the religious community as well, for many, some survivors of the Nazi atrocities and some second generation; children of survivors, all repulsed over the decision to stand chassidishe children at Kikar Shabbos in Yerushalayim as if the tzibur today is subjected to anything that vaguely resembles the Holocaust.

Condemnations were heard from Yad Vashem officials among the many, who feel the extremist faction in the Eida Chareidis community simply took things too far, and they poor taste simply was an insult to the many who died ‘Al Kiddush Hashem’ simply for being Jews. Other statements decrying the poor taste were heard from public officials, cabinet ministers, rabbonim and survivors interviewed on different radio channels.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. As a child of Survivors, I feel this demonstration went too far!
    As for a list of rabonim that condemn it, no rabbi will put his name on a list. It isn’t done that way. They may be talmidai chachomim, but very few rabbis are brave enough to touch controversy.

  2. > How about a list of Rabonim that condemned it?

    How about some common sense?

    Common sense condemns it for innumerable reasons.

  3. Its true that it should be condemned – more so something should be done about it. Rather than cheap talk ad nauseam. Its really not that difficult to find out exactly which community leaders organize and print the signs etc.

    The next time they come collecting in NY give them pictures of the demonstrations instead. We all have good causes we are proud to support. Supporters of this and similar behavior can be pressured without much effort.

    The blame for this we should all shoulder. Time will tell, we are responsible for frum people who do not have minimum derech eretz.

  4. these people should all be arrested for incitement… these horrible people are causing such sinat chinam and such hate amongst jews that i cant remember anything like it in my lifetime…whats going on in Beit Shemesh and Jerus is pathetic

  5. The whole thing makes no sense. First we are treated to pictures of men in flat velvet hats shouting down secular children and making a weird noise as they do so, outside a dayschool and then they actually fling spit at human beings; but when individuals of them get caught we are treated to their cute little children with payos wearing yellow stars that say Jude. I can’t figure out which is more offensive, but the third offense clearly is stupidity.

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