Annual conference United Hatzalah

ichud hatzolah.jpgThe annual conference for all division heads of United Hatzalah (Ichud Hatzolah) took place on the 29th of this month. Over 60 heads of region from the Golan Heights down to Eilat attended the conference – whose main goal was so discuss the Budget for the upcoming year, ideas for improvement and general information at United Hatzalah.

All the people who attended are volunteers who came on their own time; they are all heads of volunteer divisions all around Israel. Many decisions were made, such as the 2008 budget, new steps for the coming year, opening of several other United Hatzalah branches, ideas for improving response time etc.

At the conference each of the delegates presented a short summary of the year that is closing, 2007.

One Response

  1. Hopefully in 2008 we will see some real “ACHDUS”, and the whole Yerushalayim will be reunited under one mirs communication talkgroup, so we can more efficiantly help each other save lives!

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