Female Knesset Members Slam Tzipi Livini Over Her Charedi Segregation Comments

While female Knesset members try to show unity in the face of women’s exclusion, two prominent female politician were seen butting heads on Monday. Culture and Sports Minister Limor Livnat slammed Opposition Chairwoman Tzipi Livni at the Knesset plenum. “She never thought women’s status was important enough, she only realized she was a woman on the eve of the 2009 elections.”

In a recent interview with Ynet Livnat condemned the phenomenon of women’s exclusion but said she doesn’t mind gender segregation within the Charedi sector.

Addressing Livni, she said Monday: “Did anybody hear her speak out against raising women’s pension age? No!”

“Suddenly when elections or primaries are approaching she remembers she is a woman,” Livnat charged. She slammed Livni and Kadima over attacking the government despite calls to leave aside partisan affiliation. “Did the prime minister invent what is going on in Beit Shemesh or has it been going on for years?”


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