Chacham Ovadia Yosef Wishes PM Olmert Well

ovadia dav.jpgChacham Ovadia Yosef Shlita reportedly called Prime Minister Ehud Olmert this morning after Shacharis, and told him that he was davening for his complete Refuah Shelayima, and offered him words of Chizuk. Olmert announced yesterday at a surprise press conference that he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He stated that his condition will not affect his work schedule, and he will not be stepping down.

17 Responses

  1. Just curious to see how many ‘wriggling out routines’ will be posted by the same ‘geniuses’ who wished him bad and were critical of well wishers on the previous blog!

  2. Just to prove for all those “neviim” that said he deserves it blah blah blah. If Chacham Yosef is davening for him, so should we all!

  3. We cannot judge, however, we can see that leadership values in Israel must change and lead our nation according to the laws of our holy Torah and not rely on other countries. If we do what we should do Hashem will protect us. Its a promise from Moshe Rabeinu! HISTORY has shown us this over and over again. Giving lands to our enemies especially Jerusalem is not what the Torah commands us to do.

  4. If people actually believed that their prayer was effective, then what would be the difference between praying for a person to die or be seriously hurt and pulling the trigger yourself? I bet most of these people would never kill Olmert (or at least I hope so) so why are they davening for it?

  5. #2 I dont think anyone is mechyav to wiggle out of anything!!!
    Just because the chacham said so, dont mean it is so. Even the sfardim are not all behind him, why should we? There are plenty of other gedolim out there. Shivim ponim leTorah and I can follow the other 69 that did not help Oslo go through.

    PS I am of the opinion that we should say tehillim for him, yitamu chatoi’im vlo choitim, but not because the Chacham said so, but because der Zayde Dovid wrote so, thousands of years ago!!

  6. This is in now way an attck on hagon chacham ovadia yosef shlita – who i have all his seforim…….

    Just wondering if he called rav shmuel berenbaum shlita (refoel shmuel ben gittel) to wish him a refua shelaima….


  7. 6,

    Ok, I can beshtei to say Tehillim for him BECAUSE the Zayde Dovid wrote so and not specifially because Chacham Ovadia Yosef did! Granted.

    But how , prey tell, do those nasty comments with regard to his health problem on the other thread square with what Dovid Hamelech wrote??

  8. I did not attack anyone or their health!! I grada wrote that I would say tehillim for him and that he should lose his sins, not his life as written “bay der Zayde Dovid”.

  9. #6,7,8 please refrain from posting your meaningless comments which r meant to shamble or cast a bad eye upon chachamim, even if you say you “have all his seforim”. and btw #6 you are 10000 % WRONG. no chachamim will tell YOU to pray for something bad to happen to a jew. who do you think you are to go against chachamim. but you know what my words are probably wasted bc you will continue in your senseless ways.

  10. 12 & 13
    You obviously did not read my post if you think I said anything at all about not davening for the guy…

    Why dont you go back to # 6 and read the WHOLE thing before writing….

  11. After the expulsion of jews from Gush Katif; the Rav Ovadiyah said, on his weekly sermon, about the one responsible “Hashem will strike him to the head, he will fall and not rise!”

    After that the Israeli press accused him of cursing Ariel Sharon with death. The Rav objected to this accusation and blessed Sharon with long life!

    Interesting that the blessing did not contradict the curse! It is a year and nine months since Sharon fell! There is no change in his condition, and he may yet live a long life!

    It is possible that the Rav Ovadiyah blessed Olmert with a speedy recovery from his mental sickness of wanting to give away Jewish land to the enemy! Zeh b’zeh tal’ya!

  12. yochi- i was not saying that you said not to daven for him. i was saying not to make a comment “we dont have to do something, only bc rabbi so and so says so” we have gedolim and must follow them. if you have your own thats fine, follow r chaim, follow r elyashiv, follow chassidus, follow hacham ovadia. its all ok, but dont say just because rabbi so and so says something we dont have to follow him…

  13. #17 I do not want to turn this into a political game, but I just read the story of the election in Beitar (which I know nothing of). In one picture we see Chacham saying that you must vote for one of the candidates and in another picture you see the Sfardic beit din saying to vote for the other candidate. So all is not rosy with the Chacham & I am not interested in following him anyway, since he was the ONLY frum Rav to support the disaster of Oslo.
    I vote for Chacham, Hatzadik Mordechai Eliyahu!!!

  14. yochi,please ask chacham mordechai eliyahu if its mutar to say “all is not rosy with the chacham” about a gadol hador or any jew for that matter. please get back to me…
    i think you understand my point now. thank you

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