Dagan: Threat Of IAF Strike May Hasten Iran Nuke Program

A military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities should not be Israel’s first option, former Mossad chief Meir Dagan said Monday.
During a conference on Iran’s nuclear program and Israeli decision-making, which was held at the Netanya Academic College, Dagan said “I made my opinion clear a while ago. I have no doubt that (the nuclear program) is Israel’s main strategic challenge, particularly because the conventional threats – Syria and Egypt – do not pose a security challenge for Israel at this point.”

The former Mossad chief said he believed the military option should “be on the table, but not as a first option. The commotion surrounding the immediate alternative of an attack may lead the Iranians into a reality in which they are (pushed over the edge) and try to obtain nuclear capabilities as quickly as possible instead of treading rather carefully while taking the international community’s demands into consideration.”
According to Dagan, “this situation could prove to be problematic because it may (affect the entire Middle East) in such a way that it would have security and economic-related repercussions for Israel (and other countries).


One Response

  1. Meir Dagan keeps tell us what not to do. Does he have an alternative plan, a suggestion as to WHAT TO DO? Or is he criticizing the government with an eye for political gain?

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