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Prime Minister Olmert Has Cancer

olmert.jpgIsraeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has prostate cancer, he announced Monday at a surprise press conference. The conference was called after Olmert, 62, learned of his condition on Sunday. Olmert was expected to assure the public that the development would not affect his ability to serve as prime minister, and that he would not step down. His condition was discovered after a routine check-up after returning from his recent trip to Russia. The tumor is in its early stages, and it was not made clear as to what will be done to treat it.

37 Responses

  1. 2,
    Your fellow Jew was plagued with a Machlah, please
    reserve your sarcasm for a subject which is a bit more appropriate

    Refuah Shelaimo to him!

  2. “the development would not affect his ability to serve as prime minister”

    Indeed, his physical condition, for which he should have a refuah sheleimah, is not affecting his ability to serve as prime minister.

    Rather, it is his mental and spiritual condition, for which he should also have a refuah sheleima, which is sadly affecting his ability to serve as prime minister.

  3. why in the world are ppl. wishing this rasha a refuah sheleimah, true he may be jewish, but do you realize what tragedies he causes to our fellow brothers and sisters in eretz yisroel. There is a reason why sharon became a vegetable right after the evacuation of gush katif! These ppl are total resha’im, we are seeing only a drop of what is really coming to them!

  4. For all you Zionist sympathizers we’re so sorry that your king has fallen ill. I guess our teffilos in V’lamalshinim are working.

  5. I think there are other ways to do away with malshinim and the malchus haRishah than striking Olmert with a physical illness, so let’s not get all haughty that our tefillos are the reason this rasha got this illness.

    I don’t think one has a right to pray for the downfall of another Jew – Binfol Oyvecha Al Tismach – rather, one should daven for the goal, not that a particular pawn like Olmert should be stricken ill.

    Besides, he looks like he’ll have that surgery and be right back to splitting Yerushalayim and aggrieving more Jews, so let’s see what happens.

  6. 12 He davened for them on condition that there were ten tzadikim who could eventually turn them around. Reb Elchonon called the Zionist leaders “gilgule zera Amalake”

  7. I pray that he is healed speedily in our days but for the interim his treatment will interfere with his responsibilities as Prime Minister.

  8. maybe after having surgery, Olmert will know the pain of being torn apart. (and I won’t have to move out of my apt.)Is this going to affect his trip to MD?

  9. dear nameless,
    you are also shameless.
    the only place i’ll daven for him is in ve’lamalshinim al tehi tivka.
    why waste your refua shlema on him.
    he is an ocher yisroel anti-dati rotcheach.

    wish him ………………..

  10. let’s not forget all the skulls he fractured in amona and all the head and body injuries he inflicted on our fellow yidden for no cause, and #23 gut gezogt, and i will daven v’lamalshinim b’ezras hashem with more kavana for the rest of them. oihave hashem sinu! ra

  11. and can i ask all those people that are having rachmanus on this rasha (chazal “all those that have mercy on the wicked will be wicked to the merciful”)what you have in mind when you daven v’lamalshinim

  12. Ich farshtay nisht.

    This zionist leader is no more and no less of a “rasha” then every other zionist leader.

    So if you wish him ill, you wish every zionist leader ill.

  13. #34 there is 2 dinim l’gabay vintching un a tzioni, you are right on the diyuk uber there is also another tzad, that b’etzem he is the roish so everyone else is nichlal

  14. its a sign from god anyone who wishes him a refuah shelama is an idiot, hes trying to give back the old city and this is what he got

  15. I hope that all the posters on this thread feel better now that you all had an anonymous chance to vent your rage. I also wish none of you this terrible machla.

  16. I won’t get into whether it is proper to rejoice when a tinok shenishba who acts as a rosho gets sick, but this type of yenna maise is very easily curable. Of course, if the ShaBaK decides to put one of their expert anesthesiologists on the job, the outcome could be unusual, but that’s one for the flat earthers.

  17. dr’fradrayder’kop,

    Perhaps your right! Why not daven that every single Zionist be plagues with a terrible disease! SO BAD, that they cant even manage to stand in front of Kever R’ , the Kosel and M’ Hamachpeloh to protect you when you want to go daven . Why not have every Zionist Soldier’s hands cut off so that they cant pull out a rifle when they notice some Arab about to attack you ?


  18. #37, Harav Ovadia Yosef phoned Olmret yesterday to wish him a refuah sheleima, and to assure him that he is davvening for him….does that change your perspective?

  19. and how do you know that Olmert’s illness is not yisurin shel ahava?

    fools – as if you have the power to discern the reasons why a person is stricken with cancer or any other disease

    why don’t you take wisdom to the nearest hospital and wander the wards, and point out to all who bedridden and dying the source of their illness – and why don’t contact all who have suffered prostate or any other cancer in their family and draw a hekesh from what you have determined to be Olmert’s rishus and their condition, and see if you can determine whether they are rashoim or just had bad luck

    the amount of sinah that oozes from these comments is sickening

  20. watch what you post here, your playing with fire, fire, fire, safek lashon hara to thousands , watch your step……..

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