Yishai Downplays Issue Of Women’s Exclusion & Kol Isha Incident

Interior Minister Eli Yishai seems to believe that the phenomenon of excluding women from the public sphere is marginal and receives excessive public debate and coverage. Addressing the issue himself on Tuesday he said: “They take a small group in the population and include everyone. Like we don’t have other things to deal with that we deal with this.”

The minister also reacted to the incident in which a group of IDF troops walked out on a ceremony while women were singing on stage: “These are men from the national-religious sector, it is their decision. They aren’t telling women not to sing.

“We need to find a way to bring both sides closer and not ways to increase tensions, to overcome obstacles. You can’t force the secular or religious lifestyle on anyone. We need to find a way to live together.”


One Response

  1. yea, the seculars love to bash the religious over this stuff so it is played out in the press while rockets hitting the south are in the second or third page.

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