Iran Talks Tough: We’ll Fire 150,000 Missiles At Israel If Attacked

Iranian Defense Minister General Ahmad Vahidi said Israel would be attacked with 150,000 missiles if it launches any military action against the Islamic Republic, the Iran Independent News Service reported Sunday.

Speaking before 50,000 army volunteers in Bushehr, the minister said “Iran is not Iraq or Afghanistan, if the Americans make the mistake and attack Iran, we will show them how to fight,” adding “Israel has to be punished for what it has done to the Muslims in Palestine and Lebanon.”

However, according to Iranian news outlets Vahidi did not specify if the missiles would be fired from Iran or other locations.

(Source: Ynet)

12 Responses

  1. If they are counting bazookas are missiles, they might own that many. During the Cold War, the two superpowers measured their arsenals in thousands. One can probably suggest the speaker is bluffing, and not doing a very good job of it.

  2. So they will launch 150,00 missiles if Israel attacks?


    And how many will they launch if Israel does NOT attack???

  3. Umm, considering that estimates are Iran has supplied Hizbullah with 50 thousand missiles via Syria, how is at all difficult to think they have 150 thousand? I easily believe it. The people called the inteligence community say in Lebannon they have even set shahab 3 missiles, which are a better quality missile than a katushya. Iran has a very well developed inter continental ballistics program. Before one foolishly mocks…….

  4. There is also a Pesikta Rabbeti thats says, that the only nation Edom wont be able to defeat, is Paras. Nice eh. Keep your ears open, According to the Vilna Gaon, Mashiach will tell residents of the Galil and the Golan when to flee south in order to be saved.

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