Are Non Military Options Fading Regarding Iran?

While the international community is discussing the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report on Iran’s nuclear program released today, it is becoming increasingly obvious that Iran will not be halted by sanctions.

In recent statements made during recent days, Defense Minister Ehud Barak told Israel Radio he was not optimistic regarding stiffer sanctions against Tehran, realizing China and Russia are permanent members of the Security Council and they are not about to support such a move. Russian President Dimitry Medvedev on Tuesday warned against a military strike against Iran.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said his country is still studying the report, but called for “sincerity and flexibility”, insisting there must be a peaceful resolution to the problem. China’s interest also includes its need for Iranian oil, undoubtedly a reality that plays a role in Beijing’s decision-making process.

The White House is working to enlist Russian and Chinese agreement for stiffer sanctions, but that hope all but vanished today, November 9, 2011 as Russia announced it opposed stiffer sanctions.

Former US UN Ambassador John Bolton told Fox News that from his perspective, Israel has little choice other than a military strike. He stated that while he believes the United States should launch such a strike, he is not overly optimistic with the current administration. Therefore he says, Israel may have to go it alone, not a pretty scenario, but perhaps the only alternative that remains before Iran goes nuclear.

French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe signaled that it was time to get serious, stating if Iran remains recalcitrant, Juppe feels then all that remains is sanctions of “unprecedented scale”, but Russia preempted, stating it does not plan to support any such move. Juppe did state his country opposes a military strike, warning of “irreparable damage”. He did not address the four rounds of failed sanctions to date however.

Perhaps the international community should be reminded it is Russia and its rogue scientists that have aided Syria and Iran’s nuclear programs to name a few, and while Moscow seeks to maintain a role in the Western diplomatic community, Moscow’s agenda is an obvious one, aiding international terror and anti-Western interests.

Britain on the other hand may be more aware of the late hour and the need to act. British Ambassador to Israel Mathew Gould released a statement on Wednesday afternoon that Israel is not alone against the Iranian threat. He was addressing a Haifa audience. He emphasized the significance of stopping Tehran before it goes nuclear. The ambassador confirmed his country is well aware that a nuclear capable Iran not only poses a threat to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, but the entire region, warning if Iran completes its nuclear mission it will result in a new arms race since other nations will feel the need to arm against an unstable Iran. He concluded that sanctions are the way to go but if they fail, “all options remain on the table”.

While the United States is generally Israel’s natural ally, one can never know who HaKadosh Baruch sends as the messenger in the hour of need and for the moment, it does not appear that President Barak Obama will be that agent.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. I think “non-military” options never exisited! All these stupid diplomatic talks allowed Iran (and North Korea) time to build its nuclear plants and bombs. We allowed them to get this far!

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