Chareidi Attacked By Arab On Jerusalem Light Rail

A chareidi bachur was attacked by four Arabs on Jerusalem’s light rail on motzei Shabbos shortly after 22:30. The train stopped at the Shimon HaTzaddik station and the youth tried to make a break for it, to run away, but he collapsed. The attackers used the opportunity to continue beating him.

A passenger vehicle passing the scene stopped and tried to intervene but the vehicle was quickly attacked with rocks. Police were summoned and a search for the assailants was launched in the area. An MDA ambulance responded and the victim was transported to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital. It appears the victim’s injuries were not serious since no mention is made of his condition.

Kikar Shabbat interviewed an eyewitness, Moshe, who explains he heard shouting from the end of the train, adding he quickly understood the yeshiva bachur was being attacked. He adds that when the train stopped they did not stop and he was about to run and see if he could come to the bachur’s aid but he saw train security personnel and he was certain they would act, but they didn’t. “I was shocked but they did nothing. They simply stood by on the side and looked on, without acting. It is strange that they simply permitted the assailants to flee the area”.

Earlier in the month YWN-Israel reported that Arabs in the same area attacked train security personnel perhaps having something to do with the lack of response in this most recent attack. The attack a number of weeks ago took place at the French Hill station, not far from Shimon HaTzaddik.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. How long are we going to stand for these arabs acting like Nazis? If they can’t behave on the light rail, they should make a law that says no arabs allowed on the train. Oh no, that’s discrimination! We mustn’t discriminate against the poor arabs!! Well, if they can’t behave like people instead of wild animals, they can’t be allowed on! What is it going to take for the Israelis to realize this?

  2. If the attackers weren’t arrested, how do they know if the person was an Arab. From the facts stated in your report, it seems the security personnel were assisting the attack, implying the Jerusalem Light Rail is run by Palestinian nationalists, which contradicts what most others say (and the fact the Arabs objected ot the Light Rail).

  3. akuperman — They know the attackers were Arabs because many individuals witnessed the attack (including the individuals in the passing vehicle who stopped and attempted to help but were attacked with rocks), and the victim himself saw his attackers!

    As for your second point, the security personnel did not assist in the attack — they simply did not intervene until police backup arrived. This is likely due to the fact that just a few weeks ago the security personnel on the train were attacked in this same area. Perhaps they felt they would not be able to stop these individuals alone and therefore waited for the police.

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