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Israeli Civilian Planes To Get Anti-Missile Lasers

laser.jpgIsrael is developing a laser system to defend its civilian airplanes against terrorist missiles. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s Security Cabinet announced Wednesday that work will begin next year on a new technology to replace Flight Guard, an Israeli system designed to throw off heat-seeking missiles with flares.

Flight Guard has been installed on an unspecified number of El Al planes, but Israeli security sources said some foreign airports voiced concern that it could pose a fire risk.

The new technology, known as MUSIC, will employ a non-pyrotechnic laser to “blind” incoming missiles. It is expected to be ready for use by 2010.

(Sources: Reuters / JTA / Haaretz)

6 Responses

  1. Ah, the counter-MANPADS problem. Been there, done that. Can’t get into details here, but both Flight Guard and MUSIC have limited to zero utility. They are expensive, high maintenance, and affect the aircraft performance and economy. MUSIC (interesting choice of name – it used to refer to an Elta radar system) in particular has safety issues of using a laser in a civilian environment.

    Kavi el Hashem.

  2. too bad no one flies el al anymore.. we’ve all moved on to better service, with decent respect given… ah amechaya!!!
    a r e y o u c o m i n g – Homeland Security is looking into this program also for many international flights, including israel. so service, security, ahh mamash amechaya!!!

  3. #3: DHS doesn’t have a clue. They were given $100M by Barbara Boxer to look at slapping current technology on US airliners. The airline companies don’t want it because it reduces aircraft performance (read, bottom line), and besides, it’s current technology, which will be useless against the threat of 5 years from now. Also, it will take 15 years to outfit all 6000 US commercial aircraft.

    There are a lot of other issues with this type of solution which make it seriously problematic.

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