Jewish Couple Escapes Lynching Attack

A couple traveling from Yehuda to Yerushalayim on Yom Kippur was most fortunate to escape a near-death incident, an attempted lynch. The wife was in labor and her husband was heading to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital from the community of P’nei Kedem. They drove on the new road from El David, permitting one to enter the capital from Har Homa, the latest bypass road intended to permit Jews to drive without entering PA (Palestinian Authority) areas, part of the ‘dual existence’ plan.

The couple passed near the Har Homa at about 2:30am, and came under attack from hail of rocks from a number of directions. The roadway was blocked by stones, compelling the driver to slow down, a common tactic used by the Arabs to facilitate hitting an intended target. This is similar to the fatal attack that claimed the lives of Asher and Yonatan Pamer HY”D.

The driver, identified as Ariel Goldman, was thankful to escape unharmed, quoted by Arutz-7 saying “They had murder in their eyes”.

Adding insult to injury, when he finally passed the stone roadblock believing he was clear, he came under attack near Talpiot for a second time. He saw a policewoman and reported the incident, explaining she did not appear overly concerned, indicating she would report it to her superiors.

Baruch Hashem, this story has a good ending, with the couple arriving at Hadassah without physical injuries, and the wife giving birth to a boy.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. We are just sooooooo close to having peace with the muslims that I can feel it. It’s the same sensation as having a rock lacerate my skull with blood pouring out onto my face and then every so slowly losing consciousness.

  2. He saw a policewoman and reported the incident, explaining she did not appear overly concerned, indicating she would report it to her superiors.

    Wow! He explained to her that she is not concerned, meaning that she will report it. (!?)

    If journalists can’t write coherent sentences, who does? That must be a quote from Arutz Sheva. They tend to try to fit three sentences into one. Haaretz is even worse. I recently read through one of their English articles on some site and it was hard to get through it.

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