High Court: Why Are Security Inspections Of Arabs At Airport More Stringent?

A fourth hearing took place in the High Court of Justice on Wednesday (7 Tishrei) before court president, Justice Dorit Beinish. A petition was filed by ACRI (Association for Civil Rights in Israel) challenging the policy of conducting more stringent security inspections against Arabs at Ben-Gurion International Airport. The court continues to question the state as to why the security inspections are not uniform for all, apparently unsatisfied with responses provided by the state to date.

ACRI’s legal team explains that the state has never endorsed the discrimination that is commonplace regarding security inspections, yet it continues. The question that we are really asking is if we may place a “higher threat” tag on any group of citizens, not as a result of “concrete credible information, but just because one is a member of that group”.

ACRI lawyers add that despite claims that changes have been made at the airport towards ending discrimination, those changes are simply insufficient and the discrimination against Arab travelers still exists.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Becouse they fit the profile!!!!
    Did you notice how backwards the american system is?
    Let the acri go to gaza or the west bank and hawk their wares there.

  2. They are looking at it backwards. They screen everyone. It’s just that they don’t have to check the ones who we know aren’t a threat. Think of it like the recognision program that was proposed in America. Is that discrimination?

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