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Israel’s EMS Getting Ready For Yom Kippur

With Yom Kippur rapidly approaching, Magen David Adom, Israel’s primary emergency medical service provider, is preparing for its busiest day of the year. MDA will respond to approximately 1,500 calls on Yom Kippur and the EMS organization will operate accordingly.

Logistical preparations are underway to staff EMS outposts around the country will additional ambulances and manpower, to increase the number of people on call and standing by towards meeting the day’s demands.

MDA Chief Eli Bin explains the organization will operate at one level below a state of emergency to ensure that volunteers and paid personal are ready and capable of responding as has been the case in past years. Volunteers armed with first response bags and defibrillators will be stationed in 100 shuls around the country.

Experience shows that many calls involved children injured on bicycles, as well as mispallalim who feel weak, or even pass out. There is also an increase in call volume involving pregnant women and those who are actually in labor.

About one-third of the calls received will demand paramedics, advanced life support, MDA officials report.

MDA urges people on prescription medication to consult with their doctor before the fast to ascertain just how to act, placing an emphasis on diabetics who must take insulin as well as other with chronic illnesses that demand daily medication.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. The gedolim have clearly said that diabetics MUST take their insulin if required. Its not a kula in yom kippur but a chumra in vinishmartem miod linafshoseichem!

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