IDF Escorts 600 Breslov Chassidim To Kever Yosef Hatzadik

keveryosef.jpgThe IDF permitted an approximate 600 Breslov Chassidim to visit Kever Yosef Hatzadik in Shechem on Tuesday. A large contingency of armored vehicles and IDF soldiers provided the necessary security for the group. The event was uneventful Boruch Hashem.

5 Responses

  1. Glad these gevorim got to daven by the kever of Yosef Hatzadik, it is not his fault that his burial place is currently Fatahland. May the tefilos help klal yisroel.

  2. I am sure everyone there had the best intentions.
    Nonetheless this is a further proof that breslov has nothing to do with chasidus and continues to make up its own religion.
    Is there a minhag to go to kever Yosef on Chol HaMoed. No Its ussser to go to a Beis Hachaim on Chol Hamoed even for a yartziet let alone an ushpezen.
    But breslov has has become a form of spiritual zionism and this is there way of showing shlita on the land even temporarily.

    I only say this because I believe with my whole heart that Chassidus is the derech of Geula and it is a shame that so many youth are getting caught up in this make believe.

    The foresight of the Shpola Ziede and R’Moshe’l M’Savran was genious how they saw with Ruach Hakodesh that this derech called Breslov especially with no manhig will steer well meaning Jews down the wrong path.
    Only Emes can cure and enes needs a mesorah not just a cute idea.

    May Hashem be enlighten the eyes of these innocent souls and bring them to a derech of Chassidus that has a true mesorah and may we be zoche to a geula shema HAYOM!!!!

  3. am sure everyone there had the best intentions.
    Nonetheless this is a further proof that breslov has nothing to do with chasidus and continues to make up its own religion.
    Is there a minhag to go to kever Yosef on Chol HaMoed. No Its ussser to go to a Beis Hachaim on Chol Hamoed even for a yartziet let alone an ushpezen.
    1)a Bais Hachayim is asur to go to but KIVREY TZADIKIM is difrent like meron, kever Shimon Hatzadik
    2)I herd the shpala zada said to Rebbe Nachman you
    are corect but 150 years too early to wich Rebbe
    nachman replied but came 150 years too late.

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