VIDEO & PHOTOS: Motzei Shabbos Slichos By The Kosel

All around the world, ashkenazic communities  will begin reciting Slichos this Motzei Shabbos. As we approach Rosh Hashana standing in a world that needs our Tefilos more than ever, it is these coming days that will start to lay the foundation for the coming year. Standing by the Kosel as the heart-rending cries of Slichos echo off the holiest place that we have access to, the different colors and stripes of people beseeching their father in heaven is testament to the beauty of Klal Yisroel.

Credits: Yitzchok Russek – Kuvien Images

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

Click HERE to watch this video from a mobile device.

(YWN Worldheadquarters – NYC)

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