Birchas Kohanim At The Kosel

kosel cover.jpgYehuda Boltshauser has taken some amazing pictures at the Kosel this morning – where more than 20,000 people gathered for Birchas Kohanim. Click HERE to view the album.

6 Responses

  1. I was there this morning. It was a site to behold, every kind of Jew coming to the kosel to be oleh laregel, IY”H soon in it’s true sense, Amen! However, at the end of davening there was a Hachnosas Sefer Torah at the Kosel and there were no pictures of that. For those of you who missed it, chaval- it was a true simcha!
    Chag Sameach.

  2. I was in chevron at the time of the hachnosos sefer torah but I saw the big sign on shabbos there. I am back in america for second days.

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