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Mounting Tensions Surround Kever Rashbi

Rabbonim of the Eida Chareidis seem to feel that as soon as this week, the state will hand over official control of Kever Rashbi to the state committee, a move that has already been deemed unacceptable to the Eida.

The road leading to this reality has been a long and stormy one, and despite audible Eida objections, that were accompanied by stormy protests at times during recent months, the decision appears to be a fait accompli on the state’s part.

Another reality appears to be that if the move is actualized, the Eida is not about to sit back and accept it and protests may resume as a result. Pashkavilim over the last year have stated in the strongest of terms that handing over this “Makom Kedusha” to a state-run body is simply a non-starter.

Asra Kadisha activists are signaling that the move will most definitely spark a renewed battle against the state’s decision.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. “that handing over this “Makom Kedusha” to a state-run body is simply a non-starter”.

    Typical rhetoric, the Kosel, Kever Rochel and Maaras Hamachpala are all state-run. Just another reason to scream, yell, and protest.

  2. Maybe if the state runs it, they’ll clean up the litter that’s just rotting there. For such a holy place, it’s in terrible neglect with piles of garbage all around.

  3. The Eidah has shown itself incapable of managing itself and its own members, much less than such an important kever. At least the government agency can manage the site and clean it up compared to the bushah that exists today with trash, commercial vendors and disrepair.

  4. Don’t make it sount like its only the kano’im and the eida, all great gdoilim (chasidisha, litvish, sfardish, inc. hagaon r’ chaim kniavsky, rav steinman, rav eliyashiv, and r’ oivadya yosef, and MUCH more.) signed of a letter that anyone having influance on the state should do whatever posible to avoid it. because its usu’r to take mamoin rabim and mamoin hekdesh to devert it into a private ownership. and BTW if the state take it over they will make it an actraction place with tours for all kind of jews??? and non jews full of pritzus and chilul shabbos (like by the kosel, maoras hamachpaila, and kever rachal,) it take away the whole chein of these old historic holy places….

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