Egypt Refuses To Export Lulavim To Eretz Yisroel; Large Shortage Expected

The growing tensions between Israel and Egypt may affect the Yom Tov of Sukkos this year.

According to a report on IDF Army Radio on Wednesday, Egypt has decided not to export Lulavim to Israel for Sukkos this year. The report said that the reason cited for the decision is the deterioration in ties between the two countries.

The Yom Tov of Sukkos begins in just four weeks, on the evening of Wednesday, October 12.

Egypt is the central exporter of Lulavim to Eretz Yisroel, and provides about half a million palm fronds annually, the general demand being 600 to 700 thousand Lulavim. IDF Radio said that export of Lulavim to the Jewish communities in the United States and Europe has also stopped.

The report said that the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture has announced that Egypt’s decision is expected to result in an increase in the price of Lulavim for Israelis this year. The Ministry reportedly said it tried to negotiate with the Egyptian authorities to get them to change their minds, but they stubbornly refused.

The Ministry will try to ensure that there is a steady supply of Lulavim at reasonable prices, mainly by increasing financial assistance to Israeli palm growers.

IDF Radio said that other alternative sources to import palm fronds are being examined, among them Jordan and Spain. The report said that Israel is even looking at the possibility of importing Lulavim from the Gaza Strip to meet demand without significantly raising the price.

Last year, Egypt also banned the export of lulavim, but did so three and a half months before Sukkos and not four weeks before Sukkos.The reason given for the ban last year was that Egypt sought to protect its 12 million palm trees which it felt were being decimated by the large number of Lulavim exported.


13 Responses

  1. Why should Israel have to come on to these horrible Arab countries? They need the business as much as we need the lulavim. They’re so stupid, they don’t mind cutting off their noses to spite their faces!

    You mean to say Israel doesn’t have enough palm trees for their own lulavim? They should grow and export their own stuff and the ARabs be dammed!

  2. Why import from egypt and gaza our sworn enemies?? are we not supporting TERROR by doing business with animals like them. Time TO grow them elsewhere more friendly.

  3. Bilaam saddled his donkey alone, which was not to his honor. Rashi says that his hate of Am Yisrael caused the “straight to become crooked”. Here is the same. Eqypt could reap in a handy profit, but due to anti-Israel sentiment, they don’t see straight ….

  4. They should spread out the supply sources as widely as possible from foreign sources and not try to offer big financial incentives to domestic palm tree growers in to strip the vegetation from the limited number trees still thriving in EY. The environmental impact of trying to replace the Egyptian supplies from within EY alone would be disastrous for the domestic palm trees. Not every yid must have their own arab minim and sharing among everyone in a family or even among several people who daven in the same shul/beis mderash is entirely appropriate. Similarly, spending hundreds or thousand of dollars for a “prime” esrog in the name of hidur mitzvah while there are some yidden who cannot afford a yom tov meal should lead us to question our priorities and midos.

  5. the dealers,suppliers and importers do this every year releasing headlines to scare everyone into thinking that there is a shortage so they can continue to rip people off on arba minim, so i am not surprised. most people spend crazy amounts on arba minim just to impress others(aka hidur atzmi). The few that are doing it leshem shomayim (aka hidur mtzvah) are also mehader in kvod ishto all year round. bottom line: if you are perfect in midos(or working on it daily) go buy a perfect arba minim. if you are not, dont fool yourself, get a kosher set and buy your wife something extra nice for yom tov

  6. Egypt should not sell to israel (a country they hate) lulavim and israel should not buy lulavim from countries that hates it.

    I rather spend 200$ on an israeli lulav or even sharing one like our forefathers did when times were very tough.

    importing from hamas lulavim, what utter stupidity.

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