Former IDF Chief Rabbi: Death Penalty For Fogel Family Murderer

Former IDF chief rabbi, Rabbi Avichai Ronsky, was not pleased with Tuesday’s sentencing of the terrorist who murdered the Fogel family of Itamar HY”D.

Speaking to Arutz-7, Ronsky stated that a person who is capable of such cold-blood heinous murders should be sentenced to death, nothing less. The rabbi explains there are two reasons for this. First of all, to remove this evil from the world he explained. “The world will be a better place if this evil I removed”. He also feels that if terrorists are now aware that such an option exists, it will change future realities, giving them something to think about before carrying out such acts.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. YWN. Please spare us the picture of such evil.
    I had to cover the screen while reading the article.

    Who could glance at the photo of one responsible for the brutal murder of the Fogel family H”yd.

  2. Megillah 28A, R. Yeshuah Ben Korcha, lived a long life for he never gazed at the face of a rasha, R. Yohanan says it is oser and R. Eliezer said Yitshak Avinu’s eyes dimmed from looking at Esav.

  3. YWN did not remove it yet,
    Rather a nice conflict between him and the face of Acheinu R’ Reichenberg Z”L above. Why don’y we learn the lesson? Why are we so week? Why can’t we stop going there? After all the most recent news is the next Gemorah blat you learn!

  4. Sorry I had a typo.
    YWN did not remove it yet,
    Rather a nice conflict between him and the face of Acheinu R’ Reichenberg Z”L above. Why don’t we learn the lesson? Why are we so weak? Why can’t we stop going there? After all the most recent news is the next Gemorah blat you learn!

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