Mazel Tov Times Four to Har Nof’s Mizrachi Family

Tomorrow (Wednesday, 15 Elul) will be a special day for the Mizrachi family, not just celebrating a bar mitzvah, but four of them. Brothers Bentzion, Yishai, Yosef and Shlomo will mark the day. For the parents, they will reflect back 13 years after the quadruplets were born to them following three regular births.

The proud mother, Yael, recalls that at the time, the doctors recommended killing off some of the fetuses due to the risk, but she of course would not hear of it. She consulted with rabbonim nonetheless, fearing the situation following the doctor’s ominous prediction, and the decision was made to go full term with all four. After a pregnancy accompanied by a long period of bed rest, the four were brought into the world after 35 weeks, with an average weight of 2kg (4.4 LBS).

After the quadruplets there was as set of twins, which Yael says “was like winning the lottery twice!” Baruch Hashem, today, the family consists of 11 children Blei Ayin Hora. “They grew up understanding to stand by one another when they need arose, to give in to one another, and most of all, to wait on line; for bottles, food, and a kiss from mom”. Nevertheless explains Yael, there is more than enough love to go around.

There will be one grand bar mitzvah, which Yael explains is a military operation. Each will have a table for his own friends, and each will have the spotlight and receive the attention deserved for such an event. Yael explains the family has set up a command center and everyone has responsibilities. She adds the boys are truly unique, with one exhibiting special talents in singing, another being an extraordinary writer and the others have their special abilities as well.

The residents of the community affiliated with the Shas tzibur are planning a major event, including some special guests such as families Yosef, Yishai, Atias and Edri. Mazel Tov!

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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