Turkey: IAF Planes No Longer To Be Regarded As Allies

According to a report appearing in the Turkish Star Gazette on Tuesday, that country has taken another major step towards defining Israel as an enemy. Computers have been modified to differentiate between American and Israel Air Force F-16 jets, no longer categorizing Israel as a friendly nation. To date, all Israeli planes were registered as “friendly” and not hostile, as is the case with all NATO nations.

The previous designation prevented anti-aircraft fire being directed at IAF jets but this is no longer the case. The report adds that Turkish fighter pilots may now open fire at IAF jets “if necessary”. The report has also been aired on Iranian state media.

To date, planes were outfitted with the American-built IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) system, which automatically registered Israeli aircraft as friends.

This prevented the system opening fire at the planes even if such an order was given. The new system permits Turkey to designate its own settings, the report states, and orders were given by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to do just that, to remove Israel from the “friendly” classification. This modification will also be made in every plane in the Turkish Air Force in the very near future the report adds.

Despite the ominous report, such a move on Turkey’s behalf is not as simple as it may sound for a number of reasons. First of all, Turkey has responsibilities as a NATO member, an allied nation; (2) a number of weeks ago, Erdogan agreed to accept the American X-Band radar system which is connected to an international network – a system that registers Israel as a friend and recognizes Israel is a member of this system; (3) despite ongoing diplomatic differences, Turkey remains well-aware of the might of the Israel Defense Force, and it would be unwise to engage in a military conflict some analysts point out.

Whatever the case, it is clear that the Turkish leader is working diligently to gain points in the Arab street, seeking to buddy up with Israel’s foes, perhaps willing to forgo years of close ties and military cooperation with Jerusalem towards achieving Ankara’s new status in the Arab Mideast.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Israel should make Turkey apologize for not stopping that terrorist ship sailing to Gaza! Israel should cut ties with those nazi turks until they apologize and ask the US to stop giving aid to turkey until they apologize. Turkey should pay the medical bills for the soldiers wounded by those terrorists on that ship!!

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