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Treif Deli Gets Torched In Tzefas

f.jpgA delicatessen that served non-kosher meat in Tzefas was set on fire early this morning. No one was injured although the store sustained heavy damage. The Tzefas police chief told Ynet that this morning the dispatcher received close to 100 calls about the fire. When police cars arrived on the scene, they found the store up in flames. So far, no one has been taken into custody in connection with this case.

(Source: Ynet)

8 Responses

  1. The frum community of Tzefas are the most kindhearted, loving, easy going group out there. Personally, find it hard to believe that they would be involved with this arson case, just does not fit their persona..
    Rav Shmuel Eliyahu is chief rav of Tzefas, he encourages and builds bridges between frum and secular there. Bet ya there’s more to this, than meets the eye.

  2. Stan, “yemin mekareves usmol doche”. We need both. The treif-peddlers shouldn’t think that just because we love them they can get away with whatever they like and expect the peaceful religious community to restrict itself to ineffectual protests which they can safely ignore. We may not approve of the means, but it’s good that the message was sent. Let people hesitate before putting their money into such a business, and wonder whether such a thing might not happen again.

  3. This is such an unclear news story. It’s not clear whether it was arson and if so, if it is because it was treif.

    Either way, I don’t see how committing many aveiras by burning it down justifies preventing people from eating treif, who are not anyway going to stop eating it just because a treif store was burned down. If it was arson with that purpose, it might even turn people off and make them more resentful of those who are shomrei mitzvos.

  4. MILHOUSE my assumption would be that Rav Eliyahu is probably a maven at “yemin mekareves usmol doche”. BTW is an ineffectual protest, why that does NOT include arson?

  5. To yidel, shazam, and milhouse- how dare you say that this was at all an appropriate way for frum jews to act? We are supposed to be models of how people should conduct themselves- and this is a disgusting act. I am baffled by the thought that anyone would do this, but then that someone would think that this is ok!! If someone would have died, would the ends have justified it then? Im sure not. Anyone who is ok with this should really rethink what it means to be a frum jew. Because you are acting the opposite of frum. You think you’re following in derech hashem, when really you are creating a chilul hashem.

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