Shin Bet Report On Attacks In August 2011

According to the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet), there was a sharp increase in terror attack in August/Av 2011, documenting 178 attacks of Arabs against Jews as compared to 53 in the previous month. The significant rise was seen in the south, 135 rocket attacks from Gaza as compared to 20 in July 2011. Over 145 rockets were fired into Israel during August.

In addition, there was the attack along Route 12 north of Eilat, in which eight persons were murdered (six civilians and two security personnel) and 29 injured. There was also a significant increase in attacks throughout Yehuda and Shomron – 30 as compared to 25 in July 2011.

In Yerushalayim there was a decline from eight in July to six in August.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. SHIN-BET WOW!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! you know exectly what happened. you did great research. did you flaten gaza yet for this? did you bomb egypt’s terrorist yet? does Iran still have their nuclears? does chisbala still exist? we ALL know that the terror rate is going up up up up. who is the guilty party here? lav achb’ra ganav ala chura ganav lat them do what ever they want and you just um?? complain! make colculations of how many dead!

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