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Giuliani: NATO Should Admit Israel

rudy.jpgRepublican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani urged NATO to admit Israel, e on Wednesday as part of proposals to combat Islamic extremism. Speaking to a U.S.-British conservative group in London, Giuliani said Britain and the United States must stand side-by-side in tackling Islamic terrorism. “This is no time for defeatism and appeasement,” he said. (Source: Reuters)


4 Responses

  1. If they do, they ought to start thinking about renaming NATO. Last I looked on Google Earth, Israel was nowhere near the North Atlantic.

    How much of this is Rudy’s political pandering, and how much is serious (and I like Rudy)?

  2. Shazam: all pandering aside, and I am sure there is some here (and I like Rudy too), the vast majority of the NATO member nations are not in the North Atlantic. Nations like Greece, Spain, Estonia and Bulgaria to name a few.

    That being said, how does Israel joining NATO help defeat the terrorists?

  3. ThinkStraight: Your last sentence raises a good point. In might be advantageous for Israel NOT to join NATO and not be constrained by any organizational restrictions they place on their members about how they fight terrorism.

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