Hesder Yeshivot In The News Again

Once again, IDF soldiers affiliated with Hesder yeshivot are in the media, as usual, depicted in a negative light. The new story involves female soldiers of the IDF Artillery Corp’s 55th Battalion, who report they are being forced out due to the refusal of the Shomer Shabbat soldiers to serve alongside female combatants, as stipulated in the long-standing agreement between the IDF and the Hesder program.

A letter of protest from the female soldiers made its way to Kol Yisrael Radio military correspondent Carmella Menashe, who was more than willing to air the complaint and bring the plight of the female combatants to the news spotlight.

The females explain they are simply victims of discrimination, stating they are as good at their jobs as the men, but they are nonetheless being ousted simply “because we are women”. The females suggest that the Hesder soldiers be reassigned to units in the Artillery Corp that do not have female combatants rather than ousting them from their unit.

IDF officials have signaled a final decision in the matter is pending.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. This does not portray them in a negative light. It in fact portrays them in a positive light. The fact that these courageous men refuse to be in the same military quarters as women is a true Kiddush Shem Shmayim and worthy of great praise.

  2. Zionism or Torah, pick one. If you try to merge them, the result will alienate all the hiloni Jews who founded and control the zionist state.

  3. Last month the IDF released a report that women did not have the physical strength and stamina of men and were not suited to be used in combat units. (Who would have thought?)

    Women and a high percentage of men are in the IDF for political and not military reasons. It is part of the Communist psychosis that all people are identical. That all differences are artificial and that with sufficient education (and brutality) all differences can be eradicated.

    Nearly all women and most men are useless as soldiers. That is why armies that actually have to fight wars and not just parade around have high selection standards. Since the IDF has to fight real wars but is forced to induct thousands of militarily useless people, it divided itself into two parts; the real Army and the Puaton (babysitting service). Due to pressure by the unJews, women were moved out of the Puaton and pushed into the real Army. There motivation was as much to weaken the IDF as to actualize their psychotic fantasy of universal sameness.

    Those who have actually served in the IDF or any other real Army will understand why women are a negative factor in a combat unit.

  4. akuperma, as long as you follow the torah and dont serve with women what is wrong with being in the army? These hesder soldiers give us both the physical koach and spiritual koach needed to protect all the jews of eretz yisroel, and for the most part encompass some of the most elite fighters in the army today. Anyone living in eretz yisroel of even visiting should have a tremendous amout of hakaras hatov to these brave hesder soldiers.

  5. #7 – by definition, whether it be the USMC or IDF or a Roman Legion, being in a military means obeying order. That’s the idea of an army. It’s strength is because the commander knows his orders will be obeyed simply because he is a commander.

    It just doesn’t work to say “I’m joining your army, and I’m brave and an elite fighter” but “I’ll obey your orders when I approve of them, but only when I approve of them – you can count on me, I’ll obey all of yours that I agree with”.

    P.S. The army could probably eliminate most of the problems by requiring all soldiers (male and female, Jewish and otherwise) to follow the basic rules of tsnius, pritsos, negiah and yichud. But then again, that would defeat the REAL reason why the hilonim want females in their army.

  6. you people have to understand that the idf is not only a combat army but is the biggest moisad hachinuch that israel has for the chinuch they choose which is kfira and prikas ol.it was actually stated so by ben gurion afra lepumei.that is why israel is about the only army in the world in which service is COMPULSARY by both men and women…
    think about it.

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