Southern Israel: Rocket Attacks Continue (20:15 IL)

As was feared by military officials, coinciding with sunset, the situation in southern Israel is heating up, with rockets being fired into area population centers. As sunset approached, officials instructed southern area residents to move into shelters in expectation of attacks.

19:22 – The Red Alert system detected a Katyusha rocket fired in the direction of Ofakim and Netivot. B’chasdei Hashem the rocket landed in an open area near Ofakim. No injuries are reported.

19:38 – Three rockets landed in southern Israel, apparently near Kissufim, two in an open area and one near a building. There appear to be victims being treated for hysteria.

19:51 – At least two rockets have landed in the Eshkol Regional Council area, apparently in an open area. No injuries are being reported.

Sources in Gaza report that tanks are firing into Gaza, targeting the location of the launch of a rocket earlier into Ashkelon.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Everyone, please say a perek of tehillim!
    I was down south over the weekend and you can’t imagine how scary it is. People could be in the middle of sleeping when suddenly the siren goes off and they MUST run for shelter. The fear of hearing the siren and knowing it will hit somewhere near you, can’t be described. The people living there have no where to go because it is dangerous to travel on the roads and they never know if the next rocket will hit their house…

  2. what kind of person makes leitzanos of such a scary situation in israel. He should never have to know the gehenom the southern residents are going thru

  3. Israel will not do anything until there isnt a barrage of missels coming in like 100 a day.. the Gazans know the trick pretty pretty well..

  4. The Israeli government must respond hard and quickly. This is not the time to worry what the world will say. They must protect the lives of their citizens. Jewish blood cannot continue to be spilled. The IAF must hit those responsible over and over again till they scream for mercy.

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