Toldos Aaron Rebbi Shlita On Parnasa & Kever Rashbi

The Toldos Aaron Rebbi Shlita has sent a special letter to his Chassidim expressing concerns over the current difficulties for many concerning parnasa. The Rebbe also addressed the reality that control over Kever Rashbi has been turned over to a state institution.

The Rebbe addressed the many Chassidim who are currently in debt, unable to pay daily bills as a result of not receiving kollel payments, instructing them to strengthen their belief in Hashem who ultimately sees to our needs. He reminds chassidim that Chazal teach us that HaKadosh Baruch Hu will find coins for those who run to give tzedaka, advising followers to give tzedaka to those in need.

The Rebbe went on to address the decision to turn control of Kever Rashbi to the state, adding the kever is intended for “modest holy people” and the state’s plan will result in unacceptable behavior in the area. He called upon Chassidim to daven that this should not occur; and those who are able – to take measures to prevent this from becoming a reality.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. I wish the Rebbe would have taken a brave stand and admitted that so many of his followers cannot all be supported and that some, lo aleinu, will have to, for the benfit of the community and themselves, get a (cover your eyes) a JOB.

  2. # 1

    I wish that instead of your sarcastic comment , you would spend some time familiarize yourself about this great Rebbe & his chassidim.
    The fact is that a very large percent of them HAVE a job, but being that they are blessed with large families & in light of following their Rebbe”s (past & present)teachings of not accepting ANY monetary support from the State, they just can’t make ends meet.

  3. #4 “and those who are able – to take measures to prevent this from becoming a reality”.

    Since you are more familiar with this Rebbe, can you please explain the above quote? What are the measures to prevent this from becoming a reality?

  4. #4, if you read the article well it states “The Rebbe addressed the many Chassidim who are currently in debt, unable to pay daily bills as a result of not receiving kollel payments. Learning in kolel is NOT a job. Sorry.

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