Pashkavilim in Modi’in Illit Against Mayor’s Plan

Pashkavilim are becoming increasingly visible in Modi’in Illit in opposition to a plan of the mayor, R’ Yaakov Gutterman, pertaining to the Southern Hill, referred to by many residents as the “Ei  Shel HaPritzout” (Island of Promiscuity). 

It appears the protest surround plans to allocate a mossad for dropout girls in proximity to mosdos Torah in the area. The building in question was previously used by Chassidus Karlin, but they occupants moved into a new building in Naot HaPisga. Realizing the building is now vacant; Mayor Gutterman decided to use it for the Bat Nadiv project. 

It appears that since the mayor’s decision became known he has been inundated with hundreds of faxes and phone calls opposing the move, explaining residents fear if the females are in the area, it will lead to an immediate spiritual decline in the community, and they are unwilling to accept the decision as a fait accompli. 

Rabbi Shlomo Weintrob addressed the seriousness of the matter on Friday night after davening, stressing the need for a determined opposition, Kikar Shabbat reports. On motzei Shabbos, a protest was held outside the mayor’s home. 

Organizers of the protest explain they are not opposed to the Bat Nadiv program, quite the contrary. They feel it is to be commended, but nevertheless, it cannot be placed in the former Karlin building for this would result in assisting the girls at the expense of the entire community. The opponents feel the Bat Nadiv girls may only be placed in a secluded area at the periphery where they cannot negatively impact the community.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. In Bet Shemesh there is a program called Tzofiah that helps girls who have troubled backgrounds and they are welcomed and embraced by many families who host them for Shabbos and “adopt” them into their homes as they would for a seminary girl. An environment has a huge impact. These girls should only be in a place that they will feel welcome. Too bad that this community is being offered a golden chance to practice true ahavas Yisroel and show how beautiful a Torah life can be up close and they are blowing it. Royally.

  2. This should be decided ONLY by the gedolim not by the hot blooded Kanoim.

    They need to ask the Gedolim, not pasken on there own!!!, especially where the question on hand is a question of דיני נפשות on both sides!!!

  3. I think several of you missed this line.

    “It appears the protest surround plans to allocate a mossad for dropout girls in proximity to mosdos Torah in the area.”

    In other word, the complaint is the location. There was a case a while back in which a Bais Yaakov was in the works to be built right next to a Yeshiva Gedola. The Hanhala of the Yeshiva protested it’s building due to the Znius issues that it would create. That was a case of a frum Mosdos being built next to a frum Mosdos.

    How many of you would approve of your sons learning right next to a place were girls are walking around in tight mini skirts and loose revealing tops?

    Bat Nadiv has its place in our society, but not right next door to the boys. They need to find another location within the community for them. This is not Kanoism, it Judaism. (If you don’t believe me ask Billam, “Mah Tovu Ohelacha Yaakov…”)

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