Rav Kanievsky Shlita: Stay Away From Sakona!

HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita has instructed avreichim vacationing in the center of the country not to return to their homes in Moshav Tifrach, in the heart of the area being targeted in the renewed rocket attacks from Gaza.

The avreichim asked the Gadol HaDor what they should do, with the Rav responding “You should not return to the makom sakona, the dangerous area”.

(YWN Israel Desk)

4 Responses

  1. I wonder if this psak will change once the zman starts and they avreichim are back to learning Torah.
    Actually, hopefully the shayla won’t be noge’a at that time, as these reshoim will stop the rockets – amen.

  2. Now is the time to Strengthen our Emumna, and Learn Torah, give Tzedukah, Achdus and do alot of Chesed. This is not just for the month of Tishrei it is something I want to be more aware and do every day. Maybe Moshiac will come if our effort is sincere and bring an end to the Tzsarus in EY.

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