CNN: Democrats Sweat As Voting Begins

President Barack Obama made a last-ditch effort to save the Democratic majorities in Congress on Tuesday, as voters seemed poised to deliver landslide victories to the Republican Party.

He phoned in to three high-profile radio shows and taped a message for AOL users, saying his “ability to work on behalf of middle-class families is going to be hampered if I do not have people in Congress who want to cooperate.”

But polls suggest that’s just what the president won’t get in these elections, the most expensive midterms in history.

Polls indicate a dissatisfied electorate could clean house — literally — by tossing out the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives and possibly doing the same in the Senate.

(Read More: CNN)

One Response

  1. I wish he wouldn’t say middle-class so much. What does that mean – if you’re rich or poor he doesn’t care about you, but if you’re in between…?

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