Flatbush Shomrim Responsible For 12 Arrests

With a few weeks into the summer months the Flatbush Shomrim have already been responsible for close to a dozen arrests for vehicle break-ins. The most popular stolen item is a  GPS. Shomrim urge residents not to leave your GPS or other valuables in your vehicle. In addition, make sure to clean the round mark on your windshield that a GPS may leave. This may prevent would be thieves from knowing that you may have a GPS.

In the latest round of car break-ins, Flatbush Shomrim have led the police to arrests at the corner of East 26 and Quentin Rd, East 24th & Avenue R, East 26 & Avenue K, East 26 & Avenue R and East 22nd & Avenue S.

Most of the vehicle break-ins happen in the early morning hours.

If you see something suspicious please don’t hesitate to call the Flatbush Shomrim 24 hour emergency hotline at 718-338-9797.

(Paloma Gefen – YWN)

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