Masores Avos School Graduates To Pay Tribute To Founder R’ Dovid Moskowitz At Sheva Brachos

A very unique sheva brachos will take place BEH on Monday, June 21, 2010 at Kahal Yeshuos Yisroel of Skulen in Williamsburg, in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Duvid Moskovits, President of the Endowment for Democracy in Eastern Europe and founder of Mosdos Masores Avos School in Budapest, Hungary.

In addition to celebrating the marriage of Mr. & Mrs. Duvid Moskovits’ son Hershy to Zissy, the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Mordechai Roth, this sheva brachos will recognize the achievements and accomplishments of Mr. Moskovits by the graduates of the school that he founded 20 years ago in the immediate aftermath of the collapse of the Communist era in Eastern Europe.

Budapest, in the post WWII era, retained a Jewish religious infrastructure which allowed for the continuation of functioning shuls, shechita, mikva and other basic religious requirements. However, the key component of ensuring Jewish continuity was lacking, due to the Communist control over education, that outlawed any type of education other than State controlled. Upon the dissolution of Communism in Hungary in 1989, the Skulener Rebbe Shlita, appealed to Reb Duvid, a pillar in the Skulener Kehilla, to lead the efforts of establishing a frum educational network that will reignite the mesorah of Hungarian Jewry and provide a Torah education for the young generation.

Indeed, in 1990, the Masores Avos School opened its door to the delight of hundreds of Jewish parents who were seeking to educate their children al pi Masores Avos, thus the name of the school was aptly given, Masores Avos.

As the school flourished, hundreds of girls received a traditional Bais Yaakov education culminating in the marriage of its graduates to bnei Torah all around the world, with hundreds of families currently raising their children al pi Masores Avos residing in every large Jewish community across the globe.

The sheva brachos is being organized as a tribute to the revered founder of Masores Avos School, Reb Duvid Moskovits by its graduates in recognition of Mr. Moskovits’ leadership and guiding force in the formation of their lives.

The venue of sheva brachos was selected to take place in the Skulener Bais Medresh of Williamsburg to demonstrate everlasting Hakaros Hatov to the memory of the late Skulener Rebbe Zatzal whose vision and far reaching concern to ensure a Jewish education for every child was carried forth by his son the Skulener Rebbe Shlita and Mosdos Chesed L’Avrohom.

[Caption to photo (L-R): Reb Duvid Moskovits, Liska Rebbe Shlita, Skulener Rebbe Shlita]

(Ezra Friedlander – YWN)

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