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OU Meets With Rep Tim Briggs

Facilitated by the Orthodox Union’s Institute for Public Affairs, State Representative Timothy Briggs (D-149) held back-to-back meetings with the leadership of the Torah Academy of Greater Philadelphia, the Torah Academy Girls High School and Congregation Beth Hamedrosh, the local OU member synagogue. This was the first time that Rep. Briggs, who sits on the Appropriations, Children & Youth, Finance and Local Government committees, met with the Orthodox leadership in his home district.

Just last week, the Orthodox Union, along with Jewish day school, rabbinical and communal leaders from across Pennsylvania, joined the PA CAPE mission in Harrisburg to try and save Pennsylvania’s much-imitated education tax credit program from the budget axe. Today, the Torah Academy leadership echoed that plea. In addition to advocating the need to maintain and restore the tax credit program — EITC — to its previous funding of $75 million, the leaders also discussed energy needs, special education concerns and security issues that face the schools and synagogues in the area.

Rabbi Shmuel Jablon, menahel (principal) of the Torah Academy of Greater Philadelphia, stated:

To meet with Rep. Briggs, our school’s and families’ representative in Harrisburg, especially as the EITC program faces potential cuts, was crucial.  We thank Rep. Briggs for his time, his commitment to the EITC and we look forward to seeing him back at the Torah Academy soon.”

Howie Beigelman, OU Deputy Director of Public Policy stated:

“We thank Rep. Briggs for supporting EITC’s restoration and for his interest in the day schools and synagogues in his district.  We look forward to continuing to work with him advocating the varied issues of importance to our community.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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