Siyum Rambam in Betar Illit on Monday Night

Hundreds of participants are expected for the Monday night siyum Rambam in the main Chabad shul in the Etrog neighborhood of Betar Illit, marking the completion of the 28th cycle of the Yad HaChazaka.

The late Lubavitcher Rebbe ZT”L instituted the daily Rambam cycle 25 years ago, with different tracks available, 3 chapters daily, 1 chapter daily accompanied by learning Sefer HaMitzvos. Those learning 3 chapters daily make a siyum annually.

The siyum will get underway at 8:30pm in the presence of Rabbonim Shlita. The actual completion of this year’s cycle will be recited by the head of the Chabad community and one of the prominent rabbonim of the community, HaGaon HaRav Asher Lemel Cohen Shlita. The guest of honor will begin the 29th cycle, Gavaad Bnei Brak HaGaon HaRav Moshe Yehuda Leib Landau Shlita, HaMevaser reports.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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