Urgent Legislative Action – Toeiva Marriage To Be Voted On In Senate TODAY

albany.jpgPlease take a moment and read the following time-sensitive info:

Agudath Israel Of America tells YWN that the same gender marriage bill is definitely on the calendar for TODAY (Wednesday) and that one of the Senators that represents our community whose vote could make a difference on this bill is Senator Thomas Morahan who represents Monsey, NY.

We urge you to take a minute right now and call him at 518-455-3261 [email protected] and tell him that our community is opposed to the passage of the same-gender marriage bill.

Additionally, CALL Senate Democratic leader John Sampson at 518-455-2788 [email protected]. [District office Tel: (718) 649-7653] Tell whoever answers that the Senator should be told that our community is opposed to the passage of the same-gender marriage bill.

Also, CALL Senate Republican leader Dean Skelos at 518-455-3171 [email protected]. Tell whoever answers that our community is watching closely how every Republican Senator votes on this defining issue, and that we ask Senate Minority Leader Skelos to do all in his power to assure that all Republicans stand firm against this bill.

You can also call and/or email to:

Malcolm A. Smith, Temporary President:
District office: Tel: (718) 528-4290, Albany office: Tel: (518) 455-2701, Majority Leadership office: Tel: (212) 298-5585, e-mail: [email protected]

Pedro Espada Jr., Majority Leader
District office: Tel: (718) 220-5480, Albany Office: Tel: (518) 455-3395, e-mail: [email protected]

The following is a link to all Senators – use it to locate your Senator: http://www.nysenate.gov/senators

Please then pass this e-mail along to as many friends as you can who are likely to make similar calls.

Together, with siyata d’Shmaya, we can help defeat this pernicious legislation.


The long-anticipated showdown over whether New York will legalize same-gender marriage will be answered today.

The matter comes before the state Senate for a vote in the next several hours.

“It’s going to the floor,” said Senate Democratic Conference Leader John Sampson, a Brooklyn Democrat.

Will the bill pass?

“I think it’s close,” Sampson said.

What does he want to happen?

“I don’t like to put anything on the floor that’s going to fail,” he responded.

The Assembly early this morning approved the measure – for a third time – setting up the Senate for the final word.

Gov. David Paterson already has said he will sign the bill into law if passed.

Unlike some other states, such as California and Maine, voters would not get a second chance to either uphold or reject the Legislature’s decision.

Outside the Senate Democratic conference room, a handful of Toeiva-marriage proponents, along with some top lobbyists, frantically worked the area as senators streamed by.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. we all know who our elected officials are . we know how they will vote once this bill passes or hopefully does not . therefore those who do vote for it and think they represent us should be voted out and that means we all have to get up and vote and don’t make excuses for not voting.

  2. More corruption! Every state this matter was put on the ballot, it was voted down. EVEN IN CALIFORNIA!! Let the people vote on it!

  3. “The Assembly early this morning approved the measure – for a third time…”

    Having been away from New York over thirty years, I cannot understand why Agudath Israel (and others) are giving their honoree Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver a “free pass” on Toeivah. As a politician, isn’t he required to represent his constituents (on the Lower east Side of Manhattan)? If the Assembly Speaker can be convinced to oppose it, it will not pass in the lower house and cannot become law.

  4. It seems the R senator doesnt know why he is getting these calls. He will vote NO for the bill. Best bet would be to call YOUR rep no matter who it is.

  5. I just sent off an e-mail to my state senator. The basic gist of my e-mail was if he votes for this atrocity, I and the rest of my family will vote him out!

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