INFO: NYC Marathon Minyan & More

Are you running the 2009 NYC Marathon and want to daven in a warm location and proper makom tefilla before the race?

Soveya, an organization providing a Torah approach to health and wellness in the Jewish community, is offering a Shachris minyan before this Sunday’s NYC marathon (Nov. 1)

Details are:

·Netz minyan starting at 6 am (sunrise 6:25 am)*
* davening netz is a shmira for a person against harm that whole day [Mishna Brura 58.1:8]
·Agudas Shomrei Hadas, 98 Rupert Ave., Staten Island
·Free bagels, bananas & juice provided
·Special shiur offered between end of davening and start of race titled “Shmiras Hanefesh, Shmiras Haguf” by Rabbi Eli Glaser, director of Soveya
·Free transportation from shul to starting area
·Free transfer of tefillin to central location in Brooklyn
·To register or for more information call 1-888-8-SOVEYA (876-8392) or email [email protected]

To support the minyan or to sponsor Jerry Gross’ run in this year’s race and help end childhood obesity in the Jewish world, go to or contact Soveya today.

All proceeds go directly to fund Soveya’s program for Jewish Day Schools called SWITCHH (the Soveya Wellness Initiative To Create Healthy Habits)

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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