2 Brooklyn Schools Close Due to Swine Flu

Four schools in New York City will be closed for the rest of the week after suspected swine flu cases were reported.

A spokesman for the Brooklyn Diocese says one student at Good Shepherd Catholic School in Marine Park, Brooklyn, and eight students St. Brigid Catholic School in Bushwick, Brooklyn, are sick and exhibiting swine flu-like symptoms.

St. Francis Prep. and P.S. 177 in Queens have been closed since earlier in the week. There are 28 confirmed cases at St. Francis. More than 80 students called in sick this week at P.S. 177.

The student at St. Brigid has a sibling at St. Francis.

Twelve students at Ascension School in Manhattan have come down with symptoms similar to swine flu. The school has not been closed.

New York City officials say hundreds of school children are sick across the city and could possibly have swine flu.

(Source: MyFoxNY)

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