FBI Begins Building Criminal Case Against Somali Pirates

FBI agents planned to interview the crew of a U.S. cargo ship Saturday as the bureau began building a criminal case against Somali pirates who attacked the ship and took the captain hostage.

The Maersk Alabama arrived safely in Kenya on Saturday, three days after Somali pirates stormed the ship, failed to hijack it, and fled in a lifeboat with the captain.

“The FBI has informed us that this ship is a crime scene,” John Reinhart, president of Maersk Shipping Line said Saturday, explaining why crew members cannot immediately leave the ship.

“It has moved from the rescue to investigation,” he said. “After the investigation, we then move to repatriation, which is bringing our heroes home.

“Now with the Alabama safely in port, this is an FBI program. They’re in control.”

Whether criminal charges ever get filed could depend on how the standoff between Navy warships and the pirates ends. The pirates are adrift in the Indian Ocean with Capt. Richard Phillips serving as hostage — and likely the only thing keeping them alive.

The pirates, who are far outmatched by the U.S. Navy’s nearby warships, hope to evade capture by returning to lawless Somalia.


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