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Felder Testifies Against Tolls on East River Bridges

Tuesday, February 19, 2009
Testimony of Councilman Simcha Felder to the New York State Senate Committees on Corporations, Authorities, and Commissions and Transportation in Opposition to the Recommendations of the Ravitch Commission

Good afternoon esteemed members of the Committee, Chairman Perkins, Chairman Dilan, Mr. Sander, and Mr. Ravitch. I am here to register my strong opposition to the Ravitch Commission’s proposal, which would subject drivers to fares and tolls for East River crossings and place these crossings under the jurisdiction of the MTA.

While I understand the necessity of funding essential MTA capital projects and operating needs amidst unprecedented financial pressure requires difficult measures to be taken, the Commission’s proposals will place an unjust burden upon outer borough residents.

Many low and middle-income residents in the outer boroughs reside in areas that are underserved by public transit.  Drivers coming into Manhattan from Brooklyn during peak hours would disproportionately carry the burden of rescuing the MTA. Needless to say, East River tolls are bereft of any modicum of fairness.

Taxing New Yorkers to enter Manhattan without providing them with reasonable alternatives is an injustice. It is imperative that we find a way to allocate the responsibility of mending the MTA budget gaps fairly and evenly.

By giving the MTA jurisdiction over East River crossings, the MTA will use tolls as a means of balancing its checkbook whenever budget gaps develop. As some of my colleagues have suggested, this tactic has potentially divisive consequences.

I respectfully urge the Committee to oppose the proposals of the Ravitch Commission and find alternative means of bridging the MTA’s budget gap. Please don’t straddle New Yorkers with this unbearable tax burden.   Thank you.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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