Met Council Granted $250,000 from Botwinick-Wolfensohn Foundation for Holocaust Survivor Services

Met Council was recently awarded a one-time grant of $250,000 from the Botwinick-Wolfensohn Foundation to support services for Holocaust survivors, including emergency food, transportation and home care.  This generous grant comes on the heels of budget cuts that affected all agencies throughout the city and jeopardized much-needed programs for Holocaust survivors.

The grant will help revitalize and enhance many of Met Council’s pre-existing services including home-delivered meals, emergency food vouchers, transportation, home repairs and winterization, and home care.  In addition, the grant will be used in conjunction with other funding to provide additional case workers to assist with Case Management and Information and Referral.

“With these funds, we can maintain our vital services for Holocaust survivors who are impoverished and living below the poverty line, particularly in aging neighborhoods in Brooklyn,” said William Rapfogel, CEO and executive director of Met Council. “During these difficult times, making ends meet is hardest for these seniors who have serious needs and live on fixed incomes.”

“We are pleased to join with Met Council in alleviating the lives of this vulnerable population,” said Sara Wolfensohn, trustee of the Botwinick-Wolfensohn Foundation.  “We hope that others will follow our example and make every effort to give generously during this difficult economic time.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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