Obama To Sign Massive Stimulus Bill

President Barack Obama was ready Tuesday to sign into law the most sweeping economic package in decades, a rescue plan meant to reinvigorate job creation, consumer spending and public optimism.

Capping the biggest victory of his month-old administration, Obama will sign the economic legislation Tuesday in Denver.

The setting, the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, is meant to underscore the investments the new law will make in the “green” energy-related jobs. It also allows Mr. Obama to get away from Washington, where the bill’s passage was a mostly partisan affair, and be among people who may benefit from the huge government intervention.

The flailing economy continues to dominate Mr. Obama’s time.

One Response

  1. Of course the economy continues to dominate President Obama’s time in office, as short as it’s been so far.

    The whole shooting match swirling down the porcelain throne. Did you see the news out of Europe about the currencies falling apart?

    We’re in a dire situation and as I look at the widget ExactPrice and see gold and silver taking off I am getting the impression that a mess of other folk with lots of money are thinking the same. Gold right now is at $972.30. We’re going to retesting last years highs real soon I think.

    Everybody better hold tight.

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