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Weiner on Madoff: Case is Clear, Lock Him Up

After federal prosecutors released evidence Wednesday showing that Madoff and his wife mailed an estimated $1 million in jewelry, including diamond encrusted Cartier and Tiffany timepieces, Representative Anthony Weiner (D – Brooklyn and Queens) today called on the courts to revoke Madoff’s bail immediately. Madoff’s lawyers said the items were relatively inexpensive.

Rep. Weiner said, “The case is clear – lock Bernard Madoff up. Of course Madoff considers Cartier and Tiffany watches inexpensive and sentimental; he may have bought them with other people’s money. Not only is he accused of committing the crime of the new century, but it is now clear that Madoff is attempting to hide evidence from federal investigators. Madoff should only be in one of two places: helping investigators locate the assets of victims or in a cold, dank jail cell.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. 1. It is totally inappropriate for a congressman to try to tell a judge what to do in a pending case.

    2. What’s the big deal with Madoff? It isn’t like he was trying to steal bread to feed his family, or some awful crime like that (then he’ld be locked up, no problem).

    3. House arrest is a lot cheaper than incarcertation, so why should the taxpayers get a bill for locking him up.

  2. i agree #1, but could be especially since weiner is jewish, that he is trying to show how the jewish community is also against madoff.

  3. The assimilation of Jewish People is so horrible (we all only speak of the “leftists” in Eretz Yisroel), that Jews themselves are trying to put other Jews in jail.

    I don’t doubt the terrible harm to Yidden that this ponzi scheme caused, but first and foremost MUST be the proper adherence to Halacha and it is quite clear that is is FORBIDDEN to give over a Jew to non-Jews. In fact, we are REQUIRED to do all that is possible to keep a Jew out of the jail of a non Jewish government (I wonder what the halacha is regarding being jailed in “Israel”….I’m sure the Rabbonim we have would never make a psak, but it should be done).

    That Weiner (a Jew), wishes to kiss up to the non Jewish world and push aside the only life sustaining thing we (the Jewish People) have in the universe, The Torah, should awaken you all to make sure he does not make it back into a political office (which in itself is a question of halachic allowance).

    Yes, I open a can of worms, but this is a real disgrace and should not be tolerated by any true Torah Yid.

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