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Mumbai Chabad House to be Rebuilt Soon

The Mumbai Chabad House, which sustained significant damage in the recent terror attack, will soon be overhauled and rendered ready for operation stated the new shaliach, Rabbi Dov Goldberg. Rav Goldberg explains that the local Jewish community is very anxious to assist towards achieving this noble goal.

“We are determined to rebuild the Chabad House. They are trying to stop us but they will not succeed in their mission”.

The head of Tzeirei Chabad International, Rav Y.Y. Aaronoff explains the rebuilding of the Chabad House remains a high priority for the shluchim movement and efforts to assist in anyway possible are underway.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel

One Response

  1. I hope they are planning on retaining armed securtiy. After what happened R”L, they must do their hishtadlus to protect themselves.
    May HKB”H Protetc them, and may they be matzliach in their shlichus!

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