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UPDATE 2:37PM EST: The Misaskim Command Center in Boro Park has just received confirmation from Zaka personnel (non-Jewish due to Shabbos) on the ground in India, that a 6th murdered victim has been found at the Chabad House in Mumbai. The victim is reported to be a female – and at this time she has not been identified. There is a possibility that she may be a local civilian who was taken hostage as well.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak told Channel 1 TV that some of the victims had been bound, and the two women who were slain had been killed many hours earlier R”L.

Meanwhile, four Israelis are among the group of hostages that were rescued by Indian special forces from the Oberoi Trident Hotel on Friday, an Israeli Foreign Ministry official in Mumbai told the Jerusalem Post.

Earlier, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said that she had spoken spoke to Israeli Ambassador to India Mark Sofer, who informed her that after the four Israelis were found in the Oberoi hotel, 17 Israelis were still unaccounted for in Mumbai.

(YWN Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. Thank you for YEshiva World News for keeping us up to date in this critical time. I am awed by the YW staff on the accuracy and speed of their information.

    We should only hear Simchas IY”H!

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