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Yom Tefilla Scheduled in Flatbush – Thursday Afternoon

tehillim.jpgHagon Rav Avrohom Schorr Shlita [Mora D’asra Khal Tiferes Yaakov in Flatbush] will be giving a Drasha at 12:30PM EST in his Bais Medrash – followed by Yom Kippur Katan & Mincha at 1:00PM. The Ezras Noshim will be opened as well.

The Shul is located at 1212 East 15th Street near Avenue L.

Besuros Tovos.

2 Responses

  1. That’s what a manhig does. Rabbi Schorr: We need more like you that don’t just sit idly by, but gather yidden to daven in an eis tzoro. Kol Hakovod. Your kehilla is lucky to have you.

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