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Terrorists Killed at Nariman House

9:22AM IL: Live reports from Mumbai report that six terrorists were killed in Nariman House. Nine gunmen were taken custody. Security forces evacuated nearby homes as people were wounded and killed by random fire in the area, which is a very busy tourist area.

Among the dead are 11 policemen and at least 18 have been wounded.

An Israeli national who escaped the attacked gave the following statement; “I was having dinner with an Indian friend of mine and he thought he heard firecrackers and I told him I thought it was gunfire, not firecrackers. Next thing we know, we heard shots and a waitress was shot and we rant to hide in the kitchen… The gunmen then came inside and ordered us upstairs. One of them looked about 22-years-old, clean shaven, and he did not look like a Muslim terrorist.”

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel

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