Governor David A. Paterson announced more than $42 million was approved by the New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR). The awards will be used to create and retain more than 400 jobs, revitalize communities across the State and renovate nearly 1,000 units of affordable housing.
The awards, funded through the New York State Community Development Block Grant (NYS CDBG) and NY Main Street programs will assist every region of the State. The entire list of awards can be found at the DHCR website: Nearly $34 million of funding comes from the Federal Community Development Block Grant program. More than $8 million in additional funding comes from NYS Housing Trust Fund Corporation, which is funded from fees earned by the State’s Housing Trust Fund for administering other federal programs.
“These grants will create jobs and revitalize urban business districts, and they will help rural communities make critical infrastructure repairs and upgrades,” said Governor Paterson. “These grants bring us closer to our goal of making New York the best possible place to live, work and raise a family.”
Community Revitalization – NY Main Street awards will be used to revitalize the State’s traditional downtown business districts that have fallen into disrepair. NY Main Street grants will renovate 341 building facades, beautify 34 streetscapes with trees, ornamental paving, benches and other enhancements, and rehabilitate 215 commercial units. NYS CDBG grants will help communities make critical infrastructure improvements, directly benefiting more than 85,000 low and moderate income New Yorkers.
Affordable Housing – NYS CDBG awards will rehabilitate 719 units of affordable housing, and the NY Main Street awards will renovate 244 units, a total of 963 units. Additionally, the NYS CDBG program will provide funds for five homeownership programs, helping 164 working families purchase their own homes.
Business Growth and Job Creation – The NYS CDBG grants will help businesses create or retain 431 jobs and will provide funds to support 24 small business enterprises, helping them to grow and prosper.
The NY Main Street program provides financial resources and technical assistance to communities to strengthen the State’s traditional Main Streets and neighborhoods. Grants are provided to business improvement districts and other not-for-profit organizations for building renovations, facade and streetscape improvements and, in limited cases, capital funding for projects intended to anchor downtown districts. The program also provides technical assistance and other resources to support community revitalization efforts.
The NYS CDBG program is federally funded but administered by DHCR through its Office of Community Renewal. The NYS CDBG Program provides grants to smaller communities in order to: ensure decent, affordable housing; provide services to the most vulnerable in our communities; create jobs and expand business opportunities for implementing a variety of community and economic programs and to provide improved community facilities and services.
(YWN Desk – NYC)